This is my story– the story of a non-binary trans barista affording top surgery, as told through an [[autobiographical game]].
<img src="" width = 640 height = 450 alt="me in my workplace/coffee shop">
To play: follow along, and when applicable, weigh the “options”.
In heteronormative, cisnormative, imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy no decision is without consequence.
My alarm rings. It's time to get up. I need to be at work for 6:30.
[[Roll out of bed]]
<img src="" width = 600 height = 500 alt="Alarm clock that reads 5:09am">
I wish. The trains run local on Sundays. There is no time to snooze!
I locate my work shirt and binder in a pile on the floor. My ribs and back still ache from yesterday's 8 hour shift. I make a decision.
[[Bind anyway]]
[[Go back to bed]]
I look in the mirror and I like what I see, the shirt falling flat across my chest. [[The problem is...]]
<img src="" width = 640 height = 450 alt="me standing in front of a mirror">
If I miss work, I will be fired. I need this job to afford surgery.
Presenting as my authentic self means more questions and interrogations about what is in my pants.
While I would to love some mascara, eye-liner, and fun lipstick when in the mood, it's not that easy. [[<b> Click HERE to try again |The problem is...]]
On the way, my phone goes off.
[[Open text message]]
<img src="
" width = 315 height = 480 alt="Transphobic text message from coworker">
[[Well, fuck.]]
<img src="
" width = 150 height = 50 alt="Dysphoria goes up">
I wish I could look like this, and dress like this without being read as male.
<img src="" width = 490 height = 300 alt="Character standing in front of mirror">
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria goes up">
[[I put on make-up, to express my femininity and masculinity]]
[[I lace up my sneakers, and leave for work]]
[["Can I have a small mocha, with double espresso?"]]
<img src="" width = 800 height = 490 alt="shots being pulled">
[[steam milk]]
[[pull shots]]
<img src="" width = 700 height = 500 alt="creepy customer with a heart thought bubble">
<img src="" width = 700 height = 500 alt="Creepy customer asking if I can squirt whipped cream in his mouth">
<img src="" width = 700 height = 500 alt="creepy customer acts excited, while I am disgusted/shocked">
[[I don't get paid enough to deal with this]]
[[Accept fate]]
[[Oh hell no]]
<img src="" width = 700 height = 500 alt="rich white men everywhere">
Bank of America is on lunch break. White men in designer suits are streaming in by the [[masses]].
I can't walk out now.
<img src="" width = 700 height = 500 alt="numerous complaining customers">
[[MISSION: Solve customer issues before they get out of hand]]
Someone never received their drink. . .
[[What did they order?]]
[[Pumpkin Spice Latte]]
[[Soy Cappuccino]]
Try again.
Not this time.
<img src="" width = 600 height = 410 alt="my coworker misgenders me in front of a customer">
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria bar goes up">
[[Correct co-worker about my pronouns]]
[[Make drink]]
Hey, my pronouns are they/them.
Sorry about the wait; here you go!
<img src="" width = 640 height = 450 alt="customer being handed drink">
[["Thanks, I guess."]]
Yeah, I identify as non-binary. My correct pronouns are they/them.
[["Wait, what? I'm so confused..."]]
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria bar is full">
[["...You're a girl."]]
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria bar goes up">
[["Also, they is plural. It's just not correct."]]
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria bar is full">
<img src="" width = 700 height = 400 alt="check your privilege">
Cisplaining gets me nowhere. This is a [[dead end|Latte]].
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria bar is full">
Maybe next time.
<img src="" width = 800 height = 490 alt="late being poured">
[[Would you like whipped cream?]]
Next person in line, please [[step down]].
<img src="" width = 620 height = 430 alt="Customer reads me as male, and says: Oh my god. What are you like, 7 years old?!">
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria bar goes up">
<img src="" width = 630 height = 440 alt="coworker says "he?! You mean SHE"">
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria bar is full">
[[I'm 20. I just look young.]]
<img src="" width = 630 height = 440 alt="customer asks if I am a boy or a girl">
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria bar is full">
[["I need to know."]]
<img src="" width = 630 height = 440 alt="customer says "what are you?"">
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria bar is full">
<img src="" width = 630 height = 440 alt="me visibly upset">
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria bar is full">
[[I have to get out of here.]]
<h3> Thank you for playing. </h3>
You witnessed my struggle via [[situations that actually happened]].
Beyond this, I attempted to explore queerness in relation to [[heteronormative, cisnormative, imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy]].
In sharing my story, I sought to centralize trans experience as knowledge (destabilizing dominant cis knowledges), while speaking to the political, social, racial, and economic landscapes that determine livability – or lack thereof.
<h6> [[Play again|Again]], or check out my [[Works Cited]].
Tension at the workplace is a type of gendered and/or queer labor, underneath larger structures of [[power and privilege]].
<h6> <Li> Gameplay images:
Sims. 3. Maxis / Electronic Arts. 2009. Video game.
<Li> Alarm clock:
<a href="">Kasi's Digital Past Blog
<Li> Espresso gif:
<a href="">Tumblr</a>
<Li> Latte gif:
<a href="">Tumblr</a>
<Li> Privilege gif:
<a href="">Buzzfeed</a>
<Li> Error gif:
<a href="">Tumblr</a>
<Li> Error Message:
<a href="">Tumblr</a>
<Li> Definition of Slow Death:
<a href="">Jasbir Puar's "The Cost of Getting Better"</a>
<Li> Static gif:
<a href=""> Tumblr</a>
<Li> Play gif:
<a href="">Tumblr</a>
<img src="" width = 500 height = 435 alt="me saying, Uhh? No. I'm 20.">
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria bar goes up">
[["You're not 20! Come on. How old is he?!"]]
[[I leave to clear my head.]]
[[<img src="" width = 700 height = 500 alt="man questioning my gender"> |Error]]
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria bar is full">
[[<img src="" width = 700 height = 500 alt="woman asking me to leave"> |Error]]
<img src="" width = 150 height = 50 alt="dysphoria bar is full">
Dysphoria overload.
[[<img src="" width = 700 height = 500 alt="system error"> |slow death]]
[[<img src="" width = 700 height = 500 alt="glitch"> |Thank you]]
[[<img src="" width = 700 height = 330 alt="slow death error message"> |error2]]
[[<img src="" width = 700 height = 500 alt="play again"> |Game Description]]
[[<img src="" width = 300 height = 500 alt="men's room"> |mens room]] [[<img src="" width = 300 height = 500 alt="men's room"> | womens room]]
<img src="" width = 700 height = 500 alt="me standing in front of the women's room and men's room">
[[which one?]]
I go to the bathroom, but [[which one?]]