The FTN DOCC Exquisite Engendering project is a riff on the Dadaist’s Exquisite Corpse art process. Our project is “Exquisite Engendering,” inspired by Erin Manning’s (2007) book, Politics of Touch: Sense, Movement, Sovereignty (University of Minnesota Press). She describes engendering from Latin roots, generrare, to generate. “To engender is to undertake a reworking of form. To engender is to potentialize matter. Engendering involves potentiality at its most fertile: it calls forth the link between the incorporeal and the material, between the virtual and the actual” (p. 90).
Key DOCC Faculty:
Karen Keifer-Boyd (Penn State, kk-b AT
Karyl Ketchum (CSU Fullerton, keketchum AT
Marla Jaksch (The College of New Jersey, jakschm AT
Overview of Project
Working in conjunction with several of the FemTechNet DOCC nodes, we will experiment with something akin to the Surrealist Art movement’s “exquisite corpse” and jazz’s practice of riffing and, by way of this, we will collaboratively create a kind of remix project that connects to, and builds from, the remix sent to our class. We will send our video section (of no more than 5 minutes) attached to the all prior sections (each node adding a 5 minute segment), and the next DOCC node will build the next segment responding to a FemTechNet DOCC Video Dialogue. Your exquisite corpse contribution may be created using any type of medium you might imagine – be bold and get creative! The final form of your contribution must, however, somehow be recorded in a video MP4 file so it can be added to the original video segment before being posted online for our collaborators. Toward the end of the semester the finished Exquisite Corpse DOCC Video Dialogues will be posted online using SoundCloud or we could use VoiceThread. You will be asked to add comments directly on the DOCC Exquisite Corpse ReMIX, as well as a written reflection on your contribution to the project and analysis of the project in the form of a blog post.
While each participating DOCC node will select a different FemTechNet DOCC Video from the “Dialogues in Feminism and Technology Series” as a starting point for a five-minute remix video, the 2014 Exquisite Corpse Video ReMIX, MIXed Reality Art Project requires that each additional DOCC node participating in this collaboration, will create a seamless transition from the end of the prior remix received from a node scheduled to send to our node. So, just as the Surrealists had specific rules to respond to each other’s work, this will be our rule: you must begin where the video segment you are responding to leaves off. This may mean you begin with the same word or sentence that video segment ended with or, it may mean you begin with the same theory, or sets of theories, in any case, you must be thoroughly familiar with the foundational ideas and vocabulary in the original FemNetTech Video Dialogue *before* tackling your exquisite corpse contribution. We will work together in class on developing a clear understanding of these ideas as they are presented in each video segment.
For assignment details: https://cyberhouse.arted.psu.
FTN Roadshow Blog Series* – Improvisation | FemTechNet
June 6, 2015 @ 3:21 pm
[…] distributed across the network (such as Feminist Wiki-storming, Situated Knowledges Map, and Exquisite Engendering), FemTechNetters have said again and again “yes, […]